RUC em alta segurança (ou não)

Início atribulado numa espécie de filme de terror ou ficção científica.

1ª Hora:

1. GRIZZLY BEAR - Granny Dinner [Friend EP, 2007]
2. ELLA FITZGERALD & LOUIS ARMSTRONG - They Can't Take That Away From Me [Ella & Louis, 1956]
3. DEPARTMENT OF EAGLES - No One Does It Like You [In Ear Park, 2008]
4. dEUS - The Architect [Vantage Point, 2008]
5. GRAFFITI ISLAND - Demonic Cat (Demonic Cat, 2008)

Animal Collective, Merriweather Post Pavilion 2009

6. Bluish
7. My Girls

8. THE VELVET UNDERGROUND - Femme Fatale (The Velvet Underground and Nico)
9. GRANDADDY - Stray Dog and the Chocolate Shake (Sumday, 2003)
10. APRIL MARCH - Chick Habit (1995)
11. JE SUIS ANIMAL - Indoors Out of Doors (Self-taught Magic from a Book)
12. DAN DEACON - Big Milk (Spiderman Of The Rings, 2007)
13. GANG GANG DANCE - Inners Pace (Saint Dymphna, 2008)
14. SHUGO TOKUMARU - Future Umbrella (Exit, 2008)

2ª hora:

15. PORT O'BRIEN - I Woke Up Today ( All We Could Do Was Sing, 2007)
16. BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE - Looks Just Like The Sun (You Forgot In People, 2002)
17. THE SEA AND CAKE - Weekend (Car Alarm, 2008)
18. AMIINA - Lóri (Kurr, 2007)
19. THE RADIO DEPT. - Someone Else (Pulling Our Weight, 2003)

Pop na Pradaria

Laura Nyro, Eli and the Thirteenth Confession 1968

20. Woman's Blues
21. Lonely Women
22. Once It Was Alright (Farmer Joe)

23. KEVIN SHIELDS - City Girl (Lost in Translation, 2003)
24. WHITEST BOY ALIVE - Burning (Dreams, 2006)
25. WINDSOR FOR THE DERBY - The Melody of a Fallen Tree (Marie Antoinette OST
26. HEADLESS HEROES - True Love Will Find You In The End (The Silence Of Love, 2008)
27. JENS LEKMAN - I'm Leaving You Because I Don't Love You (Night Falls Over Kortedala, 2007)
28. THE RUBY SUNS - Kenya Dig It? ( Sea Lion, 2008)
29. PANDA BEAR - Comfy In Nautica (Person Pitch, 2007)
30. TUNNG - Bullets (Good Arrows, 2007)

cordiais cumprimentos,
pop da franja barrado à entrada =)

1 comentário:

Ines Saraiva disse...

"Stray Dog and the Chocolate Shake"... ena, há quanto tempo... :)

só por isso a Fada das Gralhas Ortográficas vai-vos deixar uma moedinha debaixo da almofada!

beijinhos, lindas!